Legends on Coins — D
- Dabit Deus his quoque finem
- God will bring to an end these sufferings.
- Dabit Fructum Suum in Tempore
- He shall give his fruit in due season.
- Dabitur Vobis Paracletus
- A comforter shall be given you.
- Dal. Cro. Sclav. Rex Archld. Aust. D. Burgun.
- King of Dalmatia. Croatia, and Slavonia, Archduke of Austria, Duke of Burgundy.
- Damian Hartard D.G. Archiepus Mogentinus
- Damian Hartard, D.G., Archbishop of Mainz.
- Damian Hartardt D.G.S.S. Mog. Arch. E.
- Damian Hartard, D.G., Archbishop of the Holy See of Mainz.
- Dan. Nor. Van. Got. Rex
- King of Denmark, Norway, Vandalia, and Gotland.
- Dan. Norw. Rex
- King of Denmark and Norway.
- Da Pacem Domine in Diebus Nostris
- Give us peace, oh Lord, in our days.
- Da Pacem Domini in Diebus Nostr
- Give peace, Lord, in our days.
- Da Recta Sapere
- May we correctly understand.
- Das Geheimnis ist gros, Ich sage von Christo der Gemeine
- I tell the great secret of Christ and the community.
- Das Schwert zur Hand in Hersen Gott, So wird D. Schweizer nie z. Spott
- The sword in hand God in the heart, so will the Swiss never become a laughing stock.
- Das Weib so. furchtet Gott nicht werden kan zu spot
- God-fearing woman shall not be scoffed at.
- Date Caesaris Caesar et Quae Sun Dei Deo
- Give unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's, and unto God the things which are God's.
- David com. e. (ac) do. in Mansf, nob. do. in Hel. Seb. et Schrap.
- Count and Lord in Mansfeld, noble Lord of Heldrungen, Seeburg, and Schraplau.
- Decus et Tutamen Anno Regni
- Ornament and safeguard in the year of the reign.
- Deflult et Inflult
- It flows down and flows in.
- Dei et Regis Munere
- By the gift of God and King.
- Dei G. Christian lunior dux Brun, et Lun.
- Christian junior, Duke of Brunswick and Luneburg.
- Dei G. Elisab. regi Dan Stirp. dux Bruns, et Lun. Vid.
- Elisabeth of the royal Danish line, widowed duchess.
- Dei Gra. Divi Ferdinandi
- D.G., Ferdinand III, most invincible, always magnificent, R.I., King of Germany, Hungary, and Bohemia, Archduke of Austria,with imperial blessings.
- Dei Gra. Ferdin. Ill Rom. Imp. Semp. A.G.H.B.R.Ar. A. Auspiciis
- D.G., Ferdinand III, King of Germany, Hungary, and Bohemia, Archduke of Austria, with blessings.
- Dei Gratia Augustus dux Brunovicensium et Lunaeburgens
- Augustus, Duke of Brunswick and Luneburg.
- D(ei) G(ratia) Gustav Adolphus dux Mecklenburg
- D.G., Gustavus Adolphus, Duke of Mecklenburg.
- Dei Gratia Princeps Archensis
- D.G., Prince of Arches.
- Dei Gr. Rex Dan. Nor. Van. Got.
- By the grace of God, King of Denmark, Norway, Vandalia, and Gotland.
- Del Gratia Carolus Episcopus Olomucensls
- D.G., Karl, Bishop of Olmutz.
- De Liechtenstain
- Of Liechtenstein.
- Delphinus Pater Anto. Mar. Tit. Bl. Com. Dae.
- Delphine, father, Antonio Maria Tizzone Blandrate, Count of Desana.
- Dem Bund zum Schutz dem Feind zum Trutz
- With the League for offense, against the enemy for defense.
- Dem Lande zu Nutz Denen Nelders zu Trutz
- For the benefit of the country, in defiance of those who envy her.
- Dem Prinzen Albert Ernst Georg und der Prinzessinn Elisabeth v. Sachs. bei Ihrem Besuche in der Munze zu Dresden im Iahre 1839
- For Prince Albert Ernest Georg and the Princess Elizabeth of Saxony on their visit to the mint at Dresden in the year 1839.
- Dem Vaterlande
- For the fatherland.
- Dem Verdienste seine Kronen, Reichenbach-Fraunhofer
- Honor to whom honor is due, Reichenbach and Fraunhofer.
- Den 29 Ianuar 1869
- (Died) on January 29, 1869.
- De Namm des Heeren zy Geloofd
- The name of the Lord be praised.
- Den Benediktinern wieder eine Lehranstalt ubergeben
- On the handing over of another school to the Benedictine Order.
- Den Errettern des Vaterslands
- To the deliverers of the fatherland.
- Denkmahl der Anhaenglichkeit Bayerns an seinen Herrschersstamm, Errichtet zu Oberwittelsbach
- Monument on the devotion of Bavarians to their ruling house, erected at Oberwittelsbach.
- Denkmahl der Dreyssig Tausend Bayern welche im Russischen Kriege den Tod Fanden
- Monument for the 30,000 Bavarians who died in the Russian wars.
- Denkmahl des Koenings Maximilian Joseph, Errichtet von der Hauptstadt Munchen
- Monument for King Maximilian Joseph, erected by the capital Munich.
- Denkmahl des Konigs Maximilian II in Lindau, Errichtet v.d. Stadten an der Sub-Nord-Bahn
- Monument for King Maximilian II in Lindau, erected by the cities on the South-North railway.
- Denkm. der Trennung der Koen. Therese von Ihrem Sohne dem Koen. Otto, Errichtet bei Aibling von Bayerischen Frauen
- Monument on the separation of Queen Therese from her son, King Otto, erected at Aibling by Bavarian women.
- Den noch
- Never the less.
- Den Siegem bei Waterloo gewidmet am 18 June 1865
- Dedicated to the victors of Waterloo on June 18, 1865.
- Deo auxil; venis metal; llmenau
- By the help of God, the veins of metal have been recovered, the pits have been restored, with new channels, as the waters flow through the mighty machine, mastered by the amazing force of the lake.
- Deo Caesare imperioq. ro. fid. const
- For God, emperor and empire.
- Deo Conservator! Pacts
- To God, preserver of peace.
- Deo Copulante
- God providing the bond.
- Deo Duce
- God our leader.
- Deo Duce
- Guided by God.
- Deo duce Comite fortuna
- Guided by God and accompanied by fortune.
- Deo et patria
- For God and fatherland.
- Deo Juvante
- With the aid of God.
- Deo O.M. Auspice Suavlter et Fortiter sed luste nee Slbl sed Suis
- Under the auspices of God, greatest and best, pleasantly and bravely but justly, not for himself but for his people.
- Deo Optim Maxim Imper Romano Foederi Posterisq
- To God, the best and the greatest, to the Roman Empire, and to the League and their descendants.
- Deo Patriae, non Nobis
- To God for the Fatherland, not for us.
- Deo patria proximo sacrum
- For God and country.
- Deo protector meo
- To God, my defender
- Deo Ter Opt
- Glory and Praisethreefold to the best and greatest God, who brought victory to Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden, Gothland, and Vandalia against the brazen and barbaric imperial army near Leipzig.
- Deo Vindici Patriae
- God, the avenger of our country.
- Deo volente humilis levabor
- If God pleases, my humble self shall be consoled.
- De Profundis Clamamus ad Te Domine
- Out of the depths do we call to thee, О Lord.
- Der durch und unvergleich-lichsten Prinzessin zu Ehren
- In honor of the serene and most incomparable Princess.
- Der Her ist mein Schlit auf den Ich trawe
- The Lord is the shield I rely on.
- Der Herr schaffet Gerechtigkeit
- The Lord will provide justice.
- Der Recht glaubt in Ewig lebt
- He who truly believes goes to heaven.
- Der Rhein Deutschlands Strom, nicht Deutschlands Grenze
- The Rhine, Germany's river, not Germany's frontier.
- Der Seegen des Bergbaues
- The blessings of the mines.
- Der Stadt Franckfurt
- The city of Frankfurt
- Der St. Michaels-Order zum Verdienst-Orden bestimmt
- The Order of St. Michael appointed an order of merit.
- Des Bergwerks Wohfahrt ist des Harzes Gluck, Die Grube Bergwerks-Wohlfahrt bei Clausthal kam in Ausbeute 1830
- The welfare of the mine is the prosperity of Harz,the pits and the prosperity of the mine at Clausthal came into production in 1830.
- Deservisse Iwat
- It aids to have served zealously.
- De Soclo Prlnceps
- A prince from an ally.
- Deum qui habet omnia habet
- He who has God has everything.
- Deus Adlutor et Protector Noster
- God our helper and protector.
- Deus et Dies
- God and the Day.
- Deus Fortitudo et Spes Nostra
- God is our strength and hope.
- Deus fortitudo mea
- God is my strength.
- Deus nostra incoepta secundet
- God, be merciful to our plans.
- Deus Pacis Conteret Satanam
- The God of peace shall destroy Satan.
- Deus Providebit
- The Lord will provide.
- Deus refugium meum
- God, my refuge.
- Deus Spes Nostra est
- God is our hope.
- Deutschlands Schutzwehr
- Germany's defense.
- Devenre Maris Deus Protector Meus
- From the bowels of the sea, God is my protector.
- Dextera Domini Exaltavit Me
- The right hand of the Lord has exalted me.
- Dextera Domini Fecit Virtutem
- The right hand of the Lord has made strength.
- Dextera Tua Domine Percussit Inimicum
- Thy right hand, Oh Lord, has struck the enemy.
- D. Fed. Lan. S.R.I, ac Vail. Tar. Prin. IV et C
- Lord Federico Landi, fourth Prince of Borgotaro and Compiano.
- D.G. Adolphus Fridericus dux Mecklenb.
- Adolph Friedrich, by the grace of God, Duke of Mecklenburg.
- D.G. Albertus III dux Sax. I.C. & M.A. et W.
- Albertus III, D.G., Duke of Saxony, Julich, Cleves, Berg, Angria, and Westphalia, Landgrave of Thuringia, Margrave of Meissen, Prince of Henneberg, Count of Mark and Ravensberg, Lord in Ravenstein.
- D.G. Anna Maria dux Sax. Ivl. Cliv, et Mont.
- Anna Maria, D.G., Duke of Saxony, Julich, Cleves, Berg, Angria, and Westphalia, Landgrave of Thuringia, Margrave of Meissen, Prince of Henneberg, Count of Mark and Ravensberg, Lord in Ravenstein.
- D.G. Anthon (Antonlus) Ulrlch (Ulrlcus) Dux Br. & Lun.
- D.G., Anton Ulrich, Duke of Brunswick-Luneburg.
- D.G. Anton Ulrich dux Br. et Lun.
- Anton Ulrich, D.G., Duke of Brunswick and Luneburg.
- D.G. Archleplscop. & S.R.I. Prlnc. Sallsfaurg S.S.A.L.
- D.G., Archbishop of Salzburg and Prince of S.R.I, legate of the Holy Apostolic See.
- D.G. Arnold El. et Conf. Abba. Corbe.
- D.G., Arnold, elected and confirmed Abbot of Corvey.
- D.G. August Saxon. Ivl. Cliv, et Mon. dux
- Saxony, Julich, Cleves, Berg, Angria and Westphalia, Landgrave of Thuringia, Margrave of Meissen, Prince of Henneberg, Count of Mark and Ravensberg, Lord in Ravenstein.
- D.G. Augustus der lunger H. z. Brun. U. Lun.
- Duke of Brunswick and Luneburg.
- D.G. Augustus dux Saxon. Angar, et Westphal.
- August, by the grace of God, Duke of Saxony, Julich, Cleves, Berg, Angria, and Westphalia, Landgrave of Thuringia, Margrave of Meissen, Prince of Henneberg, Count of Mark and Ravensberg, Lord in Ravenstein.
- D.G. Augustus Ludovlcus Prlnceps Anhalt
- D.G., August Ludwig, Prince of Anhalt.
- D.G. Augustus Ml Rex Polonlarum
- D.G., August III, King of Poland.
- D.G. Augustus P. Admin. Archiep. Magd.
- D.G., August, appointed Administrator of the Archbishopric of Magdeburg.
- D.G. Augustus Wllhelmus Dux Br. & Lun.
- D.G., August Wilhelm, Duke of Brunswick-Luneburg.
- D.G. Bernhard III S.I.CM.A. & W.
- Bernhard III, Saxony, Julich, Cleves, Berg, Angria and Westphalia, Landgrave of Thuringia, Margrave of Meissen, Prince of Henneberg, Count of Mark and Ravensberg, Lord in Ravenstein.
- D.G. Bernhardus dux Saxoniae luliae Cliviae et Montium
- Bernhard, by the grace of God, Duke of Saxony, Julich, Cleves, Berg, Angria, and Westphalia, Landgrave of Thuringia, Margrave of Meissen, Prince of Henneberg, Count of Mark and Ravensberg, Lord in Ravenstein.
- D.G. Bernhart dux Saxon, lul. Cliv, et Mont.
- Bernhart, by the grace of God,Duke of Saxony, Julich, Cleves, Berg, Angria, and Westphalia, Landgrave of Thuringia, Margrave of Meissen, Prince of Henneberg, Count of Mark and Ravensberg, Lord in Ravenstein.
- D.G.C. Alb. & C. Phil. Elect Prov. ft Vlcarli
- D.G., Karl Albert and Karl Philip. Electors. Administrators, and Vicars.
- D.G. Car. Alb. & Car. Phil S.R.I. Electores Elusq.
- D.G., Karl Albert and Karl Philip, Electors of S.R.I, likewise.
- D.G. Car. Alb. S. & Inf. Bav. Ac. Sup. Pal. Dux Co, Pal. R.S.R.I.A. & El.
- D.G., Karl Albert, Duke of Upper and Lower Bavaria and the Upper Palatinate, Count Palatine of the Rhine. Archtreasurer and Elector of S.R.I.
- D.G. Car. Frid. March. Bad. & H.S.R.I. Elect. C. Pal. Rh. &
- By the grace of God, Carl Frederick, Margrave of Baden and Elector of S.R.I., Count Palatine of the Rhine.
- D.G. Carol Ale. Dux Loth. & Bar
- D.G., Karl Alexander, Duke of Lorraine and Bar.
- D.G. Carol Frldr. Dux W.T.I.S. Oil. & B.
- D.G., Karl Friedrich, Duke of Wurttemberg, Teck, Juliusberg, Silesia, Dels, and Bernstadt.
- D.G. Carolus Dux. Brunsvlc. & Luneberg
- D.G., Karl, Duke of Brunswick-Luneburg.
- D.G. Carolus Eplscopus Olomucensis
- D.G., Karl, Bishop of Olmutz.
- D.G. Carolus VI Rom. Imp. S. Augustus
- D.G., Karl VI, R.I.S.A.
- D.G. Car. Th(eodor) C.P.R.S.R.I.A.T. & El(ect)
- D.G., Karl Theodore, Count Palatine of the Rhine, Archtreasurer and Elector of S.R.I.
- D.G. Christ. Gunth. Pr. Schwarzb. Sondersh.
- D.G., Christian Gunther, Prince of Schwarzburg-Sondershausen.
- D.G. Christian IV dux Bruns, et Lun.
- Christian IV, Duke of Brunswick and Luneburg.
- D.G. Christian Sax. I. (U) Cl. M. A. & W.
- D.G., Christian, Duke of Saxony, Julich, Cleves, Berg, Angria, and Westphalia, Landgrave of Thuringia, Margrave of Meissen, Prince of Henneberg, Count of Mark and Ravensberg, Lord in Ravenstein.
- D.G. Christianus dux Silesia Lignic. Breg. et Wol.
- Christian, Duke of Silesia-Liegnitz-Brieg and Wohlau.
- D.G. Christianus pr. Anhald. co. Ascan. dn. Bernb. et Servae
- Christian, Prince of Anhalt, Count of Aschersleben, Lord of Zerbst, Bernburg, Jever, and Knyphausen.
- D.G. Christ. Ulr. Dux Wurt. T.I.S.O.B.
- D.G., Christian Ulrich, Duke of Wurttemberg, Teck, Juliusberg, Silesia, Dels and Bernstadt.
- D.G. Ferdinandus Maria Sup. et Inf. Bav.
- Ferdinand Maria of Upper and Lower Bavaria.
- D.G. Frid. Aug. rex Pol. Sax. I.C.M.A. & W.
- Friedrich August, King of Poland, Prince of Anhalt, Count of Aschersleben, Lord of Zerbst, Bernburg, Jever, and Knyphausen.
- D.G. Fridericus dux Sax. Ivl. Cliv. Mon. L. Al.
- Friedrich, duke of Saxony, Julich, Cleves, Berg, Angria and Westphalia, Landgrave of Thuringia, Margrave of Meissen, Prince of Henneberg, Count of Mark and Ravensberg, Lord in Ravenstein and line of Altenburg.
- D.G. Fridericus Wilhelmus dux Saxoniae Cli. et Mont.
- Friedrich Wilhelm, duke of Saxony, Julich, Cleves, Berg, Angria and Westphalia, Landgrave of Thuringia, Margrave of Meissen, Prince of Henneberg, Count of Mark and Ravensberg, Lord in Ravenstein.
- D.G. Frid. lo. Wi. et Ei. F.D.S.L.T.M.M.C.I.M. & R.D.I.R.
- Friedrich, Johann, Wilhelm, and Wilhelm, brothers, dukes of Saxony, Julich, Cleves, Berg, Angria and Westphalia, Landgrave of Thuringia, Margrave of Meissen, Prince of Henneberg, Count of Mark and Ravensberg, Lord in Ravenstein.
- D.G. Georgius Hassiae Landgravius com. in C
- Georg, Landgrave of Hesse, Prince (administrator) of Hersfeld, Katzenellenbogen, Isenburg, Budingen.
- D.G. Georgius Hassiae Landgravius com. in С
- Georg, by the grace of God, Landgrave of Hesse, Prince (administrator) of Hersfeld, Katzenellenbogen, Cassel, Diez, Ziegenhayn, Nidda, and Schauenburg, Isenburg, Budingen.
- D.G. Henr. XIII S.L. Ruth S.R.I. Princ. Com. E. Dom. Plav.
- By the grace of God, Henry XIII, senior line of Reuss, Prince of S.R.I., Count and Lord of Plauen.
- D.G. Johann Casimir princeps Anhalt com. Asc. D.S. et B.
- Johann Casimir, Prince of Anhalt, Count of Aschersleben, Lord of Zerbst, Bernburg, Jever, and Knyphausen.
- D.G. Johann Georg Christ. Augus. Rudol. Lud.
- Johann Georg Christian, August, Rudolf, Ludwig.
- D.G. Leopoldus nee non Archiduces Aus. Du. Bu.
- By the grace of God, Leopold, Archduke of Austria as well as Duke of Burgundy.
- D.G. lo. Chr. et Geo. Rud. due Si. L. B.
- Johann Christian and Georg Rudolph, Dukes of Silesia-Liegnitz-Brieg.
- D.G. loha. Casi. dux Sax. Ivl. Cli. et M.
- Johann, duke of Saxony, Julich, Cleves, Berg, Angria and Westphalia, Landgrave of Thuringia, Margrave of Meissen, Prince of Henneberg, Count of Mark and Ravensberg, Lord in Ravenstein.
- D.G. lohanna Magdalena D.S.I.C et M.
- Johanna Magdalena, by the grace of God, Duke of Saxony, Julich, Cleves, Berg, Angria, and Westphalia, Landgrave of Thuringia, Margrave of Meissen, Prince of Henneberg, Count of Mark and Ravensberg, Lord in Ravenstein.
- D.G. lohann Ernest dux Sax. I.C. et Mont.
- lohann Ernest, by the grace of God, Duke of Saxony, Julich, Cleves, Berg, Angria, and Westphalia, Landgrave of Thuringia, Margrave of Meissen, Prince of Henneberg, Count of Mark and Ravensberg, Lord in Ravenstein.
- D.G. lohann Ernst dux. Sax. lull. Clivi. et Montium
- lohann Ernest, by the grace of God, Duke of Saxony, Julich, Cleves, Berg, Angria, and Westphalia, Landgrave of Thuringia, Margrave of Meissen, Prince of Henneberg, Count of Mark and Ravensberg, Lord in Ravenstein.
- D.G. lohannes Christianus dux Siles. Ligni. et Breg.
- Johann Christian, Duke of Silesia-Liegnitz-Brieg.
- D.G. lohann Phil, dux Saxoniae Ivl. Cliv, et Mo.
- Johann Philipp, duke of Saxony, Julich, Cleves, Berg, Angria and Westphalia, Landgrave of Thuringia, Margrave of Meissen, Prince of Henneberg, Count of Mark and Ravensberg, Lord in Ravenstein.
- D.G. lohann Philip et Frider. Wilhe, frat.
- By the grace of God, Johann Philipp and Friedrich Wilhelm brothers.
- D.G. loh. Ernest et Charlotte loh. D.D.S.I.C.M.A.W.
- Johann Ernst and Charlotta Johanna, by the grace of God, Duke of Saxony, Julich, Cleves, Berg, Angria, and Westphalia, Landgrave of Thuringia, Margrave of Meissen, Prince of Henneberg, Count of Mark and Ravensberg, Lord in Ravenstein.
- D.G. lo(h) Phil. d. Sax. Ivl. C et M. L. Th.M.MCM. et R.D.R.
- Johann Philipp, duke of Saxony, Julich, Cleves, Berg, Angria and Westphalia, Landgrave of Thuringia, Margrave of Meissen, Prince of Henneberg, Count of Mark and Ravensberg, Lord in Ravenstein.
- D.G. loh. Phil. Frid. loh. Wilh, et Fr. Wil. frat
- By the grace of God, Johann Phillip Friedrich Johann Wilhelm and Friedrich Wilhelm, brothers.
- D.G. lo. Phil. Fr. lo. Wil. Fr. Wil. fra. du. Sa. Ivl. Cl. et Mon.
- Johann Philipp, Friedrich, Johann Wilhelm, Friedrich Wilhelm, brothers, Dukes of Saxony, Julich, Cleves, Berg, Angria and Westphalia, Landgrave of Thuringia, Margrave of Meissen, Prince of Henneberg, Count of Mark and Ravensberg, Lord in Ravenstein.
- D.G. Maria Hedwig Sax. Ivl. Cl. et Mont, due
- Maria Hedwig, Saxony, Julich, Cleves, Berg, Angria and Westphalia, Landgrave of Thuringia, Margrave of Meissen, Prince of Henneberg, Count of Mark and Ravensberg, Lord in Ravenstein.
- D.G. Max(im) Ios(eph) C.P.R.U.B.D. S.R.I.A. & El. (D.I.C. & M.)
- By the grace of God, Maximilian Joseph, Count Palatine of the Rine and also Duke of Bavaria, Archdapifer and Elector of S.R.I., Duke of Julich, Cleves, and Mark.
- D.G. Nassoviae princep. com. Cattimelib. Viania. et Dec. dom. in Beilst.
- Princes of Nassau, Counts of Katzenellenbogen, Vianen, and Dietz, Lords in Beilstein.
- D.G. Phil. loh. Wilh, et Frid. W. Ln. frat.
- Philipp, Johann Wilhelm and Friedrich Wilhelm, brothers.
- D.G. Rud. Aug. & Anth. Ulr. d. Br. et Lu.
- Rudolph August and Anton Ulrich, Duke of Brunswick and Luneburg.
- D.G. Rudolph Augustus dux Bruns et Lunae
- Duke of Brunswick and Luneburg.
- D.G. Wilhelm dux Saxoniae Ivliae Cliviae et Mont
- Wilhelm, by the grace of God, Duke of Saxony, Julich, Cleves, Berg, Angria, and Westphalia, Landgrave of Thuringia, Margrave of Meissen, Prince of Henneberg, Count of Mark and Ravensberg, Lord in Ravenstein.
- D.G. Wilhelmi ducis Sax Filia natu Maxima(we) in Noe, lesusei
- Wilhelm, Duke of Saxony, oldest daughter.
- D.G. Wilhelmus dux. Sax. Ivl. Cliv, et Montium
- Wilhelm, by the grace of God, Duke of Saxony, Julich, Cleves, Berg, Angria, and Westphalia, Landgrave of Thuringia, Margrave of Meissen, Prince of Henneberg, Count of Mark and Ravensberg, Lord in Ravenstein.
- D.G. Wilhelmus IV dux Saxon Ivl. Cliv. Mont.
- Wilhelm IV, by the grace of God, Duke of Saxony, Julich, Cleves, Berg, Angria, and Westphalia, Landgrave of Thuringia, Margrave of Meissen, Prince of Henneberg, Count of Mark and Ravensberg, Lord in Ravenstein.
- Dieci Lire
- Ten lire.
- Dieci Paoli. Quattro Fiorini
- Ten paoli, four florins.
- Die Eintheilung d. Konigreichs auf Geschichtl Grandlage zuruckgefuhrt 1838
- The divisions of the kingdom restored to their historical foundations.
- Die Erde 1st Voile der Gute des Herrn
- The earth is full of the goodness of the Lord.
- Die Koenigin von Bayern Stiftet den Theresien Orden
- The Queen of Bavaria founds the Order of Therese.
- Die Menschen in der Weldt trachten also nach Gelt
- The people in this world (always) strive for money.
- Dieu Protege La Belgique
- God protect Belgium.
- Dieu Protege La France
- God protect France.
- Dieus Sveti Latviju
- God guard Latvia.
- Dignidas et libertas a Deo et Caesare
- Dignity and freedom originate from God and the emperor.
- Diligit Dnus. Portas Sion
- The Lord loves the gates of Zion.
- D. in Epst. Mintz. Brev. Lo. e. Kletten.
- Stolberg, Konigstein, Rochefort, Wernigerode, Hohnstein, Lord of Epstein, Munzenberg, Breuberg, Eichsfeld, Lohra, and Klettenberg.
- Dio Benedite L'Italia
- God bless Italy.
- Dio Premiera La Costanza
- God rewards constancy.
- Dio Protegge (11 Re e) II Regno
- God protect the king and the realm.
- Dio Protegge L'Italia
- God protect Italy.
- Dios Es El Rey de Los Reyes
- God is the King of Kings.
- Dirige Me Domine
- Guide me, Lord.
- Dis male cerpendus qui male sentit erit
- Shame take him who thinks shame.
- Dispersit Debit Pauperibus I.E.M.I.S.S.
- He hath dispersed, he hath given to the poor, his justice endures forever.
- Dni, dni. Georgii II Land. Has. pr. Hersf, com. C.D.Z.N. S.Y.B.
- Lord Georg II, Landgrave of Hesse, Prince (administrator) of Hersfeld, Katzenellenbogen, Isenburg, Budingen.
- Do. in Haiden curat & administrator
- Lord in Haidenheim, Regent and Administrator.
- Domi. in Mansf, nobi. dom. in H.
- Count and Lord in Mansfeld, noble Lord of Heldrungen, Seeburg, and Schraplau.
- Domine Conserva Nos in Pace
- Lord, save us in peace.
- Domine Salvum Fac Regem
- Lord, save the king.
- Domine Spes Mea A luventute Mea
- Lord, my hope in my youth.
- Dominic Contar Dux Venet
- Dominic Contarini, Doge of Venice.
- Domini est Regnum
- The kingdom is the Lord's.
- Dominus Probasti
- Lord, thou hast proved (me).
- Dominus Providebit
- The Lord will provide.
- Drei(y) Ein Halb Gulden XV Ein Pfund Fein
- 3-1/2 guldens, 15 to the fine pound.
- D.S.H.S.E.Di. Co. O.E.D.M.N.S.
- Duke of Schleswig-Holstein, Stormark, and Ditmarsh, Count of Oldenburg and Delmenhorst, new money of Schleswig.
- Ducatus Venetus
- Doge of Venice.
- Duibus fulcris securius
- There is more security with two supports.
- Duodecim Lustris 1848, 1908 Gloriose Peractis
- Twelve lustra (60 years) 1848-1908 gloriously completed.
- Durch Kampf und Sieg zum Frieden
- Through struggle and victory to peace.
- Dux Burg. Land. Als. Co. Fer.
- Duke of Burgundy, Landgrave of Alsace, Count of Phirt.
- Dux Burg. Styr. Car. et Cam. Com. Tyrol
- Duke of Burgundy, Styria, Carinthia, and Carniola. Count of Tyrol.
- Dux Burgundiae Comes Tyrolis
- Duke of Burgundy, Count of Tyrol.
- Dux Burgundiae Styriae
- Duke of Burgundy and Styria.
- Dux Ehstoniae et Careliae Dominus Ingriae
- Duke of Estonia and Carelia, Lord of Ingria.
- Dux Sab. Ianvae (or Genvae) et Montisf. Princ. Ped.
- Duke of Savoy, Genoa, Montferrat, Prince of Piedmont.
- Dux Saxon. Ivl. Clivi. et Mont. lin. Alden.
- Saxony, Julich, Cleves, Berg, Angria and Westphalia, Landgrave of Thuringia, Margrave of Meissen, Prince of Henneberg, Count of Mark and Ravensberg, Lord in Ravenstein and line of Altenburg.
- Dux Schlesvi. Hols. Storma. et Ditm. Com. in Olde. et
- Duke of Schleswig-Holstein, Stormark, and Ditmarsh, Count of Oldenburg and Delmenhorst.
- Dux S.M. Venet. Marin. Grima
- St. Mark, Doge of Venice, Marino Grimani.
- Dux Valent. Par. Franciae
- Duke of Valentinois, peer of France.