In the central part of the coin – portrait of Władysław II Jagiełło holding a shield in his hand. Above it – inscription: VLADISLAUS JAGELLO M DUX LITH (Władysław Jagiełło, the Grand Duke of Lithuania).
In the central part of the coin – brief biography of the ruler in Latin: OLGERDI/FILIUS,/SPONSUS HEDWIGIS/A•D•1385•DESIGN:CORON:1386./LITHUANIAM POLONIAE/UNIVIT, ET CHRISTIANAM / FECIT,ACADEMIAM/CRACOVIAE INSTITUIT,/EQUITES TEUTONICOS/AD GRUNVALDAM/PROSTRAVIT,NOBILEM/NON NISI JURE VICTUM/CAPTIVANDUM/DECREVIT./OBIIT A.D. 1434. Below it – image of the coat of arms eagle established as the national emblem of the Republic of Poland, dividing into two parts the year of issue: 20-15. Along the rim – inscriptions (separated by a decorative dot): RZECZPOSPOLITA POLSKA (the Republic of Poland), 50 ZŁ (face value).
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“Double Portrait of Eliza Pareńska” was owned by Zofia and Tadeusz Żeleńscy. It is an extraordinary painting, in which Wyspiański tried to capture the passing time. He depicted his model in a two-fold sense. At a first glance both portraits are the same, but then it turns out that in the first one the girl is well-rested, whereas in the second – her face is tired and drowsy. We can find the same parallel when looking at the roses surrounding Eliza Pareńska.
In the central part of the coin – reproduction of the “Double Portrait of Eliza Pareńska”. In the background – old town and St. Mary’s Basilica in Cracow. Below it – a bunch of roses. Left-hand, along the rim – 3 SWAROVSKI ELEMENTS accompanied by floral decorative elements. Along the rim, horizontally – inscriptions: PODWÓJNY PORTRET/ELIZY PAREŃSKIEJ/STANISŁAWA WYSPIAŃSKIEGO (name of the coin).
In the central part of the coin – stylized empty frame adorned with selective gilding. Inside it – inscriptions: NIUE ISLAND (issuer), 2015 (year of issue),1 DOLLAR (face value), Ag 999 (hallmark), m/w (mint mark). On the bottom – effigy of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II in an oval frame with inscriptions: ELIZABETH II, UTRACONE DZIEŁA SZTUKI (name of the series).
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It shows the Holy Father as we would like to remember him: cheerful and open to dialogue. The pope’s portrait depicted on the coin is kept in the artistic convention of traditional iconography: beautiful, meticulously sculptured radiant aureole solemnly emphasizes the holiness of Saint John Paul the Great. Thanks to the highest purity of silver and its impressive size, this exclusive commemorative coin has an exceptionally high investment potential. Very low mintage – only 10 pcs – confirms its uniqueness!
You can also acquire 1-ounce version of this magnificent silver coin!
• commemorative and historical value
• minted in .999.9 sterling silver
• impressive design
• elegant black presentation case!
• very low mintage – only 10 pcs!
Left-hand – effigy of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Right-hand – stylized decorative surface: soaring pigeons. Below it – mint mark: m/w. Along the rim – inscriptions: ELIZABETH II, 1500 DOLLARS (face value), Ag 9999 (hallmark), NIUE ISLAND (issuer), 2015 (year of issue).
In the central part of the coin – portrait of John Paul II with nimbus above his head. Left-hand – stylized inscription in Latin: Nolite timere (Do not be afraid). Along the rim – inscription: PRO MEMORIA SANCTUS IOANNES PAULUS II and dates: 02.04.2005 – 02.04.2015.
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New 2 evrov coin Spain
Altamira (La cueva de Altamira) - Cave in Spain with polychrome rock paintings of the Upper Palaeolithic (Solutrean). Located near Santillana del Mar in Cantabria, Spain, 30 km west of Santander. Cave with rock paintings of the late Paleolithic (Magdalenian, 15.8 thousand. BC. E.) - UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1985.
270 m long cave consists of a series of double corridors and halls. The main room is 18 m in length and from 2 to 6 m in height. Some time in the cave nobody lived except animals. Figures are images of bison, horses, pigs, handprints, and others. They are made with charcoal, ocher, hematite and other natural dyes. Figures are located on the ceiling and walls not only the main hall, but in the main hall and other rooms. Ancient artists used the natural contours of the wall to create a three-dimensional effect, perhaps it was due to their religious view of the world. Similar images found in caves Scandinavia Northern Italy.
New 2 evrov coin Spain
The reverse depicts a bull, which is one of the most common rock carvings cave. Bull applied to the metal of gold color on top of the inscription Spain (country issuer) in Spanish, at the bottom the year of issue - 2015. Around the bull rim silver, on which there are 12 stars, symbolizing the 12 countries of the European Union.
The obverse of the standard image evrov coins in circulation in the EU.
The coin is made of bimetal, diameter 25 to 75 mm and weighs 8.5 grams.
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The collector coin paying tribute to Satakunta's beaver is most beautiful in proof quality. Proof-quality collector coins are minted with a polished die, finished, and placed in a protective clear plastic casing set in a package that tells the coin's story. The coin will best withstand the test of time and remain as a memento in your collection in its original package.
This provincial coin with a nominal value of five euros depicts the beaver. The collector coin's reverse bears the historic coat of arms of Satakunta.
This beautiful collector coin is part of the Animals of the Provinces series, which is the third coin series minted in honour of Finland's historic provinces. The first collector coin launched by Mint of Finland in Satakunta in 2010 paid tribute to bobbin lace tradition, which goes back hundreds of years in Satakunta. For the Provincial buildings series, Satakunta received a coin commemorating Sammallahtimäki´s nearly forty burial cairns built as the resting place for the ancestors of the inhabitants of Satakunta.
Satakunta´s beaver
The emblematic animal of Satakunta, the beaver, is known for its dam-construction skills. The European beaver is an ancient species that has inhabited Finland since before the last ice age. The species was nearly hunted to extinction in Finland, but the population has since been bolstered by imported individuals. The Finnish European beaver population is still limited to approximately 1,000 individuals, mostly concentrated in the region of Satakunta.
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In the central part of the coin – portrait of Kazimierz Przerwa-Tetmajer. Right-hand along the proof surface – outline of parzenica (heart-shaped pattern characteristic for the Podhale folk art) and years of birth and death of the poet: 1865/1940. Next to it – decorative floral element: silver thistle. Left-hand along the rim – inscription: KAZIMIERZ PRZERWA-TETMAJER.
In the central part of the coin – image of the coat of arms of the Republic of Poland. Below it – year of issue: 2015. Along the rim – issuing country: RZECZPOSPOLITA POLSKA, face value: 200 ZŁ. Above the coat of arms, along the proof surface – outline of Giewont (mountain massif in the Tatra Mountains). Above it – decorative element: mountain range (with Gerlach Peak, where the Tetmajer’s Pass is located).
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German Mint released a new 2 euro coin commemorating the 25th anniversary of German Unity. This year, in October, the country celebrates the anniversary of the reunification of East and West Germany (the fall of the Berlin Wall).
By 1989, is a complex consisting of:
concrete fence with a total length of 106 km and an average height of 3.6 meters;
fencing wire mesh, length of 66.5 km;
signaling fence under electric voltage, length of 127.5 km;
excavation of ditches, length of 105.5 km;
anti-tank defenses in some areas;
302 watchtowers and other border structures;
bands of sharp spikes length of 14 km and control strips with constantly leveled sand.
1 July 1990, the Government of the GDR has removed restrictions on the message to West Berlin and completely abolished border controls. During January - November 1990 all border facilities were demolished, except for the length of 1.3 km, left as a monument to one of the most famous symbols of the Cold War.
Obverse image corresponds to the standard coins of 2 euros.
Circulation coins 30 million copies.
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The collector coin paying tribute to Lapland's reindeer is most beautiful in proof quality. Proof-quality collector coins are minted with a polished die, finished, and placed in a protective clear plastic casing set in a package that tells the coin's story. The coin will best withstand the test of time and remain as a memento in your collection in its original package.
This provincial coin with a nominal value of five euros depicts the reindeer. The collector coin's reverse bears the historic coat of arms of Lapland.
This beautiful collector coin is part of the Animals of the Provinces series, which is the third coin series minted in honour of Finland's historic provinces. The first collector coin launched by Mint of Finland in Lapland in 2011 paid tribute to mythology of Lapland's longest-standing inhabitants, the Sami people. For the Provincial buildings series, Lapland received in 2012 a coin commemorating the Lumberjack's Candle Bridge, which was built in 1989, and is currently regarded as Rovaniemi's foremost landmark.
Reindeer is the Lapland's emblematic animal
Lapland's emblematic animal, the reindeer, is an integral part of Lapland's nature. The reindeer is a semi-domesticated herd animal that has adapted excellently to the harsh conditions of the far North. Reindeer management is a traditional way of life in Lapland, in harmony with the cycle of nature, and has provided a livelihood for many inhabitants of the region for centuries. The number of reindeer herded in Finland is estimated at 200,000 head.
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Not only lovers of equestrian activities will be enchanted with its silver gleams! Vivid images of hot-blooded Arabian horses dynamically reflect sheer beauty of these gentle animals. Thanks to high-quality digital printing the image of the palfrey depicted on the coin looks strikingly lifelike. The project alludes to the desert landscape of the Arabian Peninsula – the cradle of the Arabian horse.
• a must-have for all horse lovers!
• minted in pure silver
• high-end digital printing
• limited mintage – only 850 pcs!
• specially designed presentation case featuring the Arabian horse
In the central part of the coin – effigy of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Below – inscriptions: Ag 999 (hallmark), m/w (mint mark). Along the rim – inscriptions: ELIZABETH II, NIUE ISLAND (issuer), 1 DOLLAR (face value), 2015 (year of issue).
In the central part of the coin – colorful image of a pure-blood chestnut Arabian horse. Right-hand – relief image of the representative of the breed. In the background – decorative surface: desert sand. Above it – outline of a horse rider dressed in Bedouin traditional clothes. Along the rim – name of the coin in Polish and English: KOŃ ARABSKI/ARABIAN HORSE.
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