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Coin "Animals of the Provinces"



A collector coin makes the most beautiful memento in proof quality. Order a polished beaver coin of Lapland in a protective package that also tells the coin's story.

The collector coin paying tribute to Lapland's reindeer is most beautiful in proof quality. Proof-quality collector coins are minted with a polished die, finished, and placed in a protective clear plastic casing set in a package that tells the coin's story. The coin will best withstand the test of time and remain as a memento in your collection in its original package.

This provincial coin with a nominal value of five euros depicts the reindeer. The collector coin's reverse bears the historic coat of arms of Lapland.

This beautiful collector coin is part of the Animals of the Provinces series, which is the third coin series minted in honour of Finland's historic provinces. The first collector coin launched by Mint of Finland in Lapland in 2011 paid tribute to mythology of Lapland's longest-standing inhabitants, the Sami people. For the Provincial buildings series, Lapland received in 2012 a coin commemorating the Lumberjack's Candle Bridge, which was built in 1989, and is currently regarded as Rovaniemi's foremost landmark.

Reindeer is the Lapland's emblematic animal

Lapland's emblematic animal, the reindeer, is an integral part of Lapland's nature. The reindeer is a semi-domesticated herd animal that has adapted excellently to the harsh conditions of the far North. Reindeer management is a traditional way of life in Lapland, in harmony with the cycle of nature, and has provided a livelihood for many inhabitants of the region for centuries. The number of reindeer herded in Finland is estimated at 200,000 head.



Categories: News, New Releases, Numismatics.

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