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Canonisation of John Paul II, 27 IV 2014

Canonisation of John Paul II, 27 IV 2014

National Bank of Poland announced the issuance of three collector coins minted to commemorate the canonization of Pope John Paul II on April 15. 

The impending canonisation of popular Polish Pope John Paul II, formerly known as Karol Józef Wojtyła, has led to a plethora of new coins being released worldwide celebrating the event. On 4 July 2013, Pope Francis confirmed his approval of John XXIII and John Paul II for canonization, the date of which has been announced as 27 April 2014, Divine Mercy Sunday. John Paul II was the first non-Italian pope for more than 400 years and was the second longest serving Pope in history, leading the Catholic Church from 1978-2005.

Canonisation of John Paul II, 27 IV 2014

As a pope, he’s been seen in retrospect as a more dividing figure than was seen at the time, particularly for his conservatism and failure to deal with many of the Catholic Churches issues. There’s no denying his advocacy of human rights however, or his part in the fall of Eastern European communism. Even though Pope John XXIII is also being canonised on the same date, an act that’s speculated has been designed to help unify the conservative and progressive factions within the church, coins for John XXIII are much less common.

Data of issue:   2014
Face value:500 zł100 zł  10 zł 2 zł   
Metal:Silver .999   Gold .900   Silver .925   CuAl5Zn5Sn1
Weight:1000 g8 g14,14 g8,15 g
Diameter:100 mm21 mm32 mm27 mm
Mintage:966 pcs5,000 pcs50,000 pcs1,600,000 pcs
По материалам:


Категории: Новости, Новые выпуски, Нумизматика.

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