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Gold Platypus Coin

Gold Platypus Coin

The second release within the Nature of Australia series features the platypus. The unusual animal appears swimming beneath the water on a diminutive gold proof coin.

The platypus is an animal like no other. This unique Australian mammal intrigued 18th century scientists with its webbed feet, bird-like bill, venomous spur and egg-laying method of reproduction. Since then it has become a much-loved symbol of Australia, including being featured on Australia’s 20 cent coin.

Appearing on a half gram of 99.99% gold coin and presented in a stylish black case, it offers many people an inexpensive entry into the gold market.

Data of issue:   2014
Face value:2 Dollars   
Metal:Gold .999
Weight:0,5 g
Diameter:11,15 mm
Mintage:5,000 pcs
По материалам:


Категории: Новости, Новые выпуски, Нумизматика.

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