3 new coins of the series „Towns of Martial Glory”

The Central Bank of the Russian Federation issued 3 new coins
— „Kalach-on-Don”, „Kovrov”, „Lomonosov” of the series „Towns of Martial Glory”. Coins in denomination of 10 Roubles are 22.0 mm in diameter, yellow in colour and have the rim raised on both sides of the coins along the circumference. The edge of the coins is corrugated, each section contains different number of corrugations alternating with smooth sections. The mintage of the coins is 10000000 pcs of each design. The coins are legal tender of the Russian Federation. They are obligatory for acceptance for all kinds of payments without any restrictions at their face value.The obverse:
in the upper part of the coins there is an inscription along the circumference — „БАНК РОССИИ” (BANK OF RUSSIA), in the lower part — the year of issue „2015”. On the left and on the right there are stylized images of laurel and oak branches respectively. In the center of the disc there is an indication of the face value of the coins „10 РУБЛЕЙ” (10 ROUBLES) in two lines. Inside the figure „0” there is a protective element in the form of the figure „10” and an inscription „РУБ” (RUB) visible when changing angles of vision. In the lower part of the disc there is a trademark of a mint.
The reverse side:
- of the first coin hasa relief image of Kalach-on-Don emblem. There are inscriptions along the circumference — „ГОРОДА ВОИНСКОЙ СЛАВЫ” (TOWNS OF MARTIAL GLORY) on top and „КАЛАЧ-НА-ДОНУ” (KALACH-ON-DON) at the bottom;
- of the second coin hasa relief image of Kovrov emblem. There are inscriptions along the circumference — „ГОРОДА ВОИНСКОЙ СЛАВЫ” (TOWNS OF MARTIAL GLORY) on top and „КОВРОВ” (KOVROV) at the bottom;
- of the third coin hasa relief image of Lomonosov emblem. There are inscriptions along the circumference — „ГОРОДА ВОИНСКОЙ СЛАВЫ” (TOWNS OF MARTIAL GLORY) on top and „ЛОМОНОСОВ” (LOMONOSOV) at the bottom.
Категории: Новости, Новые выпуски, Нумизматика.
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