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The coin In Victoria

The coin In Victoria

The coin In Victoria

Our new commemorative coin “In Victoria” is dedicated to all people, who managed to achieve their goals by overcoming their weaknesses and showing the strength of their character. The path to glory and fulfillment is paved with hard work, perseverance and effort. This outstanding token of recognition will commemorate the crowning moment of well-deserved victory!

„Amat victoria curam”
 Victory loves carefulness

In the central part of the coin – statuesque image of a hero, raising his sword in the gesture of victory and holding a shield adorned with a golden laurel wreath in his hand. On his sides – images of a Pegasus and a gryphin. In the upper part of the coin, along the rim – inscription in Latin: IN VICTORIA. Laurel wreath and inscription are covered with selective gilding. 

In the central part of the coin – effigy of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Below – mint mark: m/w. In the background – stylized decorative surface. Around the effigy of the Queen – decorative ring, referring to the decorations on ancient Greek amphorae. In the bottom part of the coin – images of two fighting warriors. Along the rim, on a separate surface – inscriptions: ELIZABETH II, NIUE (issuer), ONE DOLLAR (face value), 2015 (year of issue), Ag 999 (hallmark).

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Категории: Новости, Новые выпуски, Нумизматика.

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