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History of Polish Popular Music: Grzegorz Ciechowski

History of Polish Popular Music: Grzegorz Ciechowski

History of Polish Popular Music: Grzegorz Ciechowski

Initiated in 2009 by the National Bank of Poland, the series of souvenir coins “History of Polish Popular Music” commemorates the most outstanding artists of Polish music scene. The fifth coin from this collection is devoted to Grzegorz Ciechowski, often referred to as the Poet of Polish Rock Music.

  • Commemorative and historical value
  • Interesting topic
  • Limited mintage
  • Perfect gift for all fans of Polish rock music

The main graphic motif of the obvers are black and white transversal stripes – the hallmark of the band Republika. On the middle stripe – inscription: RZECZPOSPOLITA POLSKA. Above it – image of an eagle established as the national emblem of the Republic of Poland. Left-side – decorative elements: piano keys. In the bottom – face value: 10 ZŁ. 

In the central part of the coin – image of Grzegorz Ciechowski against black and white transversal stripes. Along the rim – inscriptions: HISTORIA POLSKIEJ MUZYKI ROZRYWKOWEJ/ GRZEGORZ CIECHOWSKI.

So far the Mint of Poland has featured coins devoted to the following Polish musicians: Czesław Niemen (2009), Krzysztof Komeda (2010), Jeremi Przybora and Jerzy Wasowski (2011), and Agnieszka Osiecka (2013).

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Категории: Новости, Новые выпуски, Нумизматика.

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