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Gold half-ounce medal Helena Vondráčková proof

Gold half-ounce medal Helena Vondráčková proof

Gold half-ounce medal Helena Vondráčková proof

This year, Helena Vondráčková, the widely popular Czech pop music singer of many talents, celebrates unbelievable fifty years on stage and Czech Mint could not let this event slip away unnoticed!

The singing career of Helena Vondráčková started back in 1964 when she won a national talent contest “Search for New Talents“ with the Czech version of the song “Red River Valley“. She was a member of the famous trio Golden Kids and recorded a number of duets with singer Jiří Korn. However, she achieved the biggest success and became the most popular as a solo singer. This is evidenced by a long line of her gold and platinum records, her introduction to the Hall of Fame, one gold, 11 silver and 16 bronze “Golden Nightingale“ music poll awards and numerous others.

Her musical and dancing talent predestine her for roles in musicals – for example she played the part of Fantina in the classical title “Les Misérables“. Next to the stage the singer starred also on the silver screen, among others she portrayed one of the best known film princesses – the terribly sad princess Helena in the popular fairy-tale musical comedy. Another singing role she performed in the film musical “Jen ho nechte, ať se bojí“ (Just Let Him be Scared).

Her first film role (the terribly sad princess) became the model for the reverse side of the medal. When comparing the beautiful face of the princess with the current portrait of the singer depicted on the obverse side one cannot but notice that Helena Vondráčková, the same as her hits, does not grow old!

The author of the design is Jaroslav Bejvl, outstanding Czech creative artist and medal designer, who also masterfully depicted singer Karel Gott on Czech Mint’s rewarding commemorative medals.

An example of how your investment could appreciate:

In November 2013, Czech Mint issued gold one-ounce and silver half-ounce medals on the occasion of the 75th birthday of singer Karel Gott. Shortly after the day of issue, all 250 gold one-ounce medals were sold out. The piece number 77 was sold at auction for CZK 80,000, while the issue price was CZK 55,000.

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Категории: Новости, Новые выпуски, Нумизматика.

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