+7 495 925-96-98 8 800 600-56-13
Москва, Таможенный проезд, 6с9

Series: Missing Works of Art - Chalice from the Tyniec Abbey

Series: Missing Works of Art - Chalice from the Tyniec Abbey

This coin is dedicated to one of the most masterful works of sacral art – the Chalice from the Tyniec Abbey.

It is the third coin in the series presenting the most valuable showpieces from Polish sacral and museums’ collections which  were mysteriously lost during the Second World War and despite precise research have never been found.

This exceptional coin combines art with the highest minting craftsmanship. The reverse depicts a precisely mapped image of the chalice with the Abbey in the background, where it was housed till it was lost. The empty frame on the obverse of the coin refers to the theme of the series.

The obverse depicts an empty frame, which symbolizes the theme of the series. In the lower part of the coin – the effigy of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and inscriptions: UTRACONE DZIEŁA SZTUKI (the name of the series in Polish), m/w (the mint mark), 1 DOLLAR (the face value), NIUE ISLAND (the issuer), ELIZABETH II and the year of issue (2014). At the bottom, on the left – the hallmark: Ag 999.

Series: Missing Works of Art - Chalice from the Tyniec Abbey

In the foreground of the reverse – an image of the Chalice from the Tyniec Abbey. In the background – the Benedictine Abbey in Tyniec. On the left – angel figures taken from one of the altars of the Abbey and SWAROVSKI ELEMENTS decoration. In the upper and lower part of the coin – the name of the coin in Polish: KIELICH Z OPACTWA TYNIECKIEGO. 

Data of issue:   July, 2014
Face value:20 Dollars
Metal:Silver .999
Weight:31,39 g
Diameter:38 mm
Mintage:7,500 pcs
По материалам:


Категории: Новости, Новые выпуски, Нумизматика.

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