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Москва, Таможенный проезд, 6с9

The coin VIRIATO

The coin VIRIATO

Integrated in the X Ibero-American Series, which elected as theme the “Cultural Roots”, the coin minted by INCM, created by the sculptor Espiga Pinto, pays tribute to the figure of Viriato, leader of the Lusitanians against the actions of Rome in the Iberian Peninsula in the mid-second century BC.
This coin has a face value of 7.50 Euro and has a limited issue to 5000 copies in silver with proof finishing and 75 000 in copper nickel with normal finishing.

Notes: Normal finishing coins are produced to enter into circulation and obtained with high speed coining and packaging processes. The contact between the coins of each batch might induce small scratches on the surface. These scratches are not admissible as cause for a complaint. Any other complaint due to defects on these coins has to be evaluated on a case by case basis.

По материалам:


Категории: Новости, Новые выпуски, Нумизматика.

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