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Town of Martial Glory: Vladivostok

On July 10, 2014 the Central Bank of the Russian Federation issues a coin of base metals: «Vladivostok» of the series "Towns of Martial Glory".

The obverse: in the center of the disc – the indication of the face value of the coin "10 РУБЛЕЙ" (10 RUBLES). Inside of the figure "0" – hidden pictures of the figure "10" and of the inscription "РУБ" (RUB) visible by turns on changing angle of vision. Along the rim – circular inscriptions, on top: "БАНК РОССИИ" (BANK OF RUSSIA), on bottom – the date: "2014", to the left – the stylized image of an olive branch, to the right – of the oak one.

Town of Martial Glory: Vladivostok

The reverse: the coat of arms of the town of Vladivostok, over it, on a ribbon – the semicircular inscription: "ГОРОДА ВОИНСКОЙ СЛАВЫ", (TOWNS OF MARTIAL GLORY), below – the inscription along the rim: "ВЛАДИВОСТОК" (VLADIVOSTOK).

Mint: Saint Petersburg Mint (СПМД). The edge: 6 sections with 5 corrugations and 6 sections with 7 corrugations alternated with 12 smooth sections.

Data of issue:   July 10, 2014
Face value:10 rubels
Metal:Brass plated steel
Diameter:22 mm
Mintage:10,000,000 pcs
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Категории: Новости, Новые выпуски, Нумизматика.

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