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The Seven Sacred Teachings: Respect

The Royal Canadian Mint has unveiled the second of seven coins in a series Honoring teachings of the First Nations people of Canada.

Your life rides on the buffalo's back. Aboriginal people have understood this relationship since time immemorial, and have long respected the buffalo for the food, clothing and tools it provided. The fact that this great beast gave every part of its being to sustain them made the buffalo's life greater than theirs, not less. Buffalo could thrive without the people, but the people could not live without the buffalo, and they were humbled by the profound respect it showed them year after year.

Respect is a cornerstone of Aboriginal life. It means living with dignity and a reverence for the land and all living things. From respect flow kindness and a willingness to share; only taking what is necessary; not wasting; and giving away that which is no longer needed.

The Seven Sacred Teachings: Respect

Respect is one of the lessons in the Seven Sacred Teachings practiced by Aboriginal people throughout North America for a full and happy life. While variations of these teachings do exist across the continent, this diversity only enriches them and underscores the universality of their wisdom.

Coin was designed by Métis artist Nathalie Bertin who creates a powerful image of a great, benevolent buffalo with an abstract figure lying on the buffalo's back in a position of comfort and security; the eagle feather in the figure's hand is an important ceremonial object often given as a sign of respect. The background pattern of sage leaves reinforces the buffalo's teachings.

Data of issue:    May 6, 2014
Face value:20 Dollars
Metal:Silver .999 with selective gold plating
Weight:31,83 g
Diameter:40 mm
Mintage:7,000 pcs
По материалам:


Категории: Новости, Новые выпуски, Нумизматика.

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