The reverse: the coat of arms of the town of Grozny, over it, on a ribbon – the semicircular inscription: "ГОРОДА ВОИНСКОЙ СЛАВЫ" (TOWNS OF MARTIAL GLORY), below – the inscription along the rim: "ГРОЗНЫЙ" (GROZNY).
The artist: A.A. Brynza.
The sculptor: Computer simulation.
Mint: Moscow Mint (MМД).
The edge: 6 sections with 5 corrugations and 6 sections with 7 corrugations alternated with 12 smooth sections.
Denomination — 10 rubles
Quality — UNC
Material — Brass plated steel
Total weight, G — 5,63
Diameter, mm — 22,0
Thickness, mm — 2,20
Mintage, pcs — 10000000
Date of issue: 22.09.2015
Catalogue number: 5714-0043
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