On June 30, 2015 the Central Bank of the Russian Federation issues a commemorative silver proof coin in denomination of 25 Roubles (catalogue number 5115-0108 and 5115-0109 for a special edition) of the series „The 750thAnniversary of Dante Alighieri’s Birth”.
A silver proof coin in denomination of 25 Roubles (fine metal content 155.5 g, fineness 925/1000, diameter 60.0 mm, mintage 1000 pcs including 150 pcs in a special edition), has the rim raised on both sides of the coin along the circumference. The edge of the coin is corrugated.
The obverse: a relief image of the Emblem of the Bank of Russia — a two-headed eagle with wings down, and a semicircular inscription under it „БАНК РОССИИ” (BANK OF RUSSIA), framed with a circle of beads. Inscriptions along the rim divided by dots indicate the denomination of the coin „ДВАДЦАТЬ ПЯТЬ РУБЛЕЙ” (TWENTY FIVE ROUBLES) and the year of issue „2015”, between them there is an indication of the metal according to the D.I. Mendeleyev Periodic System of Elements, purity, trade mark of the Saint Petersburg mint and fine precious metal content.
The reverse sideof the coin bears relief images of a part of the monument to Dante Alighieri in Verona, scenes from the poem „Divine comedy” on the left, cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore and Giotto’s campanile in Florence on the right. There are inscriptions — „ДАНТЕ АЛИГЬЕРИ” (DANTE ALIGHIERI) along the circumference on top on the right and the dates „1265”, „1321” in two lines at the bottom on the right. In a special edition of the coin part of the reverse side background is performed in a coloured enamel technique, images of characters on top — in a gilding technique.
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