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The coin Coastal Waters

The coin Coastal Waters

Canadian Mint has released another coin at a cost equal to their face value. This time it was the coin of $ 200 for $ 200, dedicated to coastal waters of Canada.

Canada is a vast territory between the Pacific Ocean to the west and the Atlantic - to the east (hence the country's motto "From sea to sea"), between the United States to the south and northwest (Alaska) by the Arctic Ocean to the north and Greenland in the north-east . At the latitude of the southern coast of Newfoundland nahoditsyafrantsuzskayazamorskaya Territory Pierre and Miquelon. Since 1925, Canada assert their rights to the area of ​​the Arctic between 60 ° W. and 141 ° W. to the North Pole; Nevertheless, these rights are not recognized.

The obverse of the coin depicts a traditional portrait of Queen Elizabeth II. It is surrounded by the name of the queen, and the name of the designer of her image on the coin.

The reverse image placed whirlpool, which are sea creatures, boats and shore facilities. the name of the issuing country, the denomination and the year. At the top of the semicircular inscription - Canada - the name of the country of the issuer, at the bottom of a semi-circle Set the face value - $ 200 and a year of its release - 2015.

Coins are placed in a capsule and gift box. Attached to them is a certificate of authenticity. Made of silver, 9,999 samples (Proof), diameter 50 mm, weight of 63.07, with a circulation of 25 thousand. Copies.



Categories: News, New Releases, Numismatics.

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