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The coin 500 Birthday of Sta. Teresa

The coin 500 Birthday of Sta. Teresa

The birth of Saint Teresa of Jesus fulfills its V centenary in 2015. Founder of the feminine and masculine order of the Discalced Carmelites, doctor of the Catholic Church and patron of the Spanish writers, St. Teresa contributed, along with other major figures of Spanish literature to illuminate the "Golden Age".

The commemoration of the five centuries of its birth offers a unique opportunity not only to remember who he was and what made Santa Teresa, but also to understand his thought and life. On this occasion, the Royal Mint coined a new coin collector texts and motifs are dedicated to this centenary.

 On the obverse the image of Santa Teresa by Peter Paul Rubens, whose picture is in the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna is playing.

On the back the religious monument called The shrine of Los Cuatro Postes located in the city of Ávila is played.



Categories: News, New Releases, Numismatics.

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