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New Silver Dollar of USA

New  Silver Dollar of USA

New  Silver Dollar of USA

The 2015 March of Dimes Proof Silver Dollar celebrates the 75th anniversary of the establishment of the March of Dimes. Founded by President Franklin D. Roosevelt on the eve of World War II as the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, the March of Dimes was instrumental in the eradication of polio from the United States. Since then the March of Dimes’ mission has been the prevention of birth defects, working for every generation with new research and discoveries to help babies be born healthy and grow up strong.

Surcharges of $10 for each silver dollar sold are authorized to be paid to the March of Dimes to help finance research, education and services aimed at improving the health of women, infants and children.

The obverse (heads) design represents the past depicting President Franklin D. Roosevelt and Dr. Jonas Salk, two leaders in the fight against polio. The inscriptions are “LIBERTY,” “IN GOD WE TRUST“ and “2015.”

The reverse (tails) design depicts a baby cuddled in the hand of a parent, representing the foundation’s dedication to the health of babies. The inscriptions are “UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,” “$1,” “MARCH OF DIMES” and “E PLURIBUS UNUM.”

The introductory price of $46.95 will be offered from noon Eastern Time on March 13, 2015, through 3 p.m. ET on April 13, 2015, after which the regular price of $51.95 will be in effect.

Order the 2015 March of Dimes Proof Silver Dollar in commemoration of the contribution of the March of Dimes to American history, and also to support their ongoing commitment to the health of babies everywhere.

*Across all product options.



Categories: News, New Releases, Numismatics.

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