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New series Peace in Europe

Europa – 70 years of Peace in Europe

New series Peace in Europe

The Union's motto is "Unity in diversity", it characterizes the way Europeans did gather, creating the European Union to act in favor of peace and prosperity, taking the most of the continent’s different cultures, traditions and languages. The obverse depicts the goddess Europa with star-studded hair flotting in the wind. Dressed with flags, her face stands nxt to flagstaffs representing the different countries joined in the European Union. Twelve circles with the € sign symbolise the twelve stars of the Euopean flag. The word “EUROPA” written vertically gives the series its name. Yeardate and mintmarks appear on the bottom center of the coin. The dove is a peace symbol. It comes from the story of Noah's ark. The dove carries the sign of the end of the flood that endangers the ark. The dove is carrying an olive branch and announces peace on earth. On the coin’s reverse, the dove is drawn in a graphical and modern way. It carries in its beak an olive branch whose branches have been replaced by the 12 stars of the European Flag, symbol of peace in Europe. The 28 countries of the European Union are symbolised by their own ISO code. The Europa Star logo is present on the reverse, close to the dove.

New series Peace in Europe

The serie Europa and European Silver Program

This series celebrates greats accomplishments of the European integration. The figure of Europa as a woman, star-studded hair floating in the wind, has been used since 1999 on the first coins explaining the ‘Europarity’ with face values in Euro. 
The European Silver Program gathers the European Union countries in the definition a common programme on issues of commemorative coins. Every year, the monetary institutes of every member launch a new theme that evokes the European identity. The program’s logo is an E designed as a € sign and a star. In 2015, the Europa series carries this programme values with the theme Peace in Europe. This year, the 7 members are Belgium, Spain, Finland, France, Italy and Portugal.

New series Peace in Europe


Monnaie de Paris is the oldest institution of France, fully qualified teacher of the label « Entreprise du patrimoine vivant » and « Joaillerie de France ». Leaning on the excellence and the ancestral character of its techniques, the creative craftsmen draw, engrave, knock, print, polish and gild. They immortalize the tradition of the monetary strike, the unique and specific know-how, marked with an awl, the horn of plenty, parking of the origin and the authenticity.

The coins of collection, the major art of Monnaie de Paris
Monnaie de Paris registers the history and the French culture in the noble metal. Craftsmen engravers immortalize and develop a know-how, a fruit of a tradition of 12 centuries. The heart of job by the Parisian workshops is the monetary strike. All the coins of collection are manufactured, created to celebrate and commemorate an event of the French heritage. The coins of collection do not have authority to be put into service, even if they count in the French money supply.


Categories: News, New Releases, Numismatics.

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