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Silver Coin "Tertiary – Life on the Ground"

Silver Coin

The Austrian Mint has started accepting orders for the fourth coin in the series “Prehistoric Life: Back from the Dead.” The designs of the coin feature dramatic depictions of a the saber-toothed cat.

The coin represents life on the ground during the Tertiary period, which spans 66 million to 2.6 million years BC.

The obverse design features a detailed representation of the skull of the saber-toothed cat along with a depiction of the animal itself baring its famous saber-shaped canine teeth. A timeline is shown with the dates corresponding to the Tertiary period. The timeline is shown on all issues of the series showing the progression of the coins across the prehistoric periods. The obverse also includes the country of issue, REPUBLIK ÖSTERREICH, the year of issue 2014 and the denomination. 

Silver Coin

The reverse design carries an action scene showing the saber-toothed cat attacking a chalicotherium, an odd-looking herbivore with long-clawed forelimbs. The scene takes place in the swampy natural habitat common during the period when the climate cooled to the extent that the first glacier appeared at the South Pole about 30 million years ago.

Data of issue:    September 10, 2014
Face value:20 Euro
Metal:Silver .900
Weight:20 g
Diameter:34 mm
Mintage:50,000 pcs

Orders for the coin are already being accepted for the coin on the Austrian Mint website with a release date of September 10, 2014.



Categories: News, New Releases, Numismatics.

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