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400-th anniversary of Voskan Yerevantsi’s birthday

The Central Bank of Armenia issued a silver commemorative coin dedicated to the 400-th anniversary of Voskan Yerevantsi’s birthday on June 2014.

Voskan Yerevantsi (Voskan Vardapet, 1614-1674) is an Armenian printer, publisher, linguist, and Archbishop of the Armenian Apostolic Church.He studied at the St Christ the Savior Monastery in New Julfa. In 1629 he moved to Etchmiadzin, then Yerevan for further studies. Afterwards he returned to New Julfa to serve as a priest. Later he was designated as an abbot of the St Sargis Monastery in Ushi.In 1662 Voskan Yerevantsi travelled to Europe with an assignment from Catholicos Hagop Dzhugaetsi to publish the Bible in Armenian.

400-th anniversary of Voskan Yerevantsi’s birthday

In 1664 he headed the printing house in Amsterdam named “Holy Echmiadzin and St Sargis”, and in the period 1666-1668 published the first edition of the Bible in Armenian. In Amsterdam Voskan Yerevantsi published 14 books, including “The Book of Grammar” written by himself, “The New Testament”, “The Book of History” by Araqel Davrizhetsi, “The Fox Book” by Vardan Aygektsi. The printing house, named “Voskanyan” in honor of Voskan Yerevantsi, was active until 1686 and had by that time published 40 books in Armenian.Voskan Yerevantsi is one of key figures in Armenian printing.Obverse: a page from “Sharaknots” and the first Armenian Bible with a silver cover.Reverse: Voskan Yerevantsi - the graphical picture of Yervand Kochar, 1946.Designed by Vardan Vardanyan.Minted in the Lithuanian Mint.

Сountry: Armenia
Data of issue:    June, 2014
Face value: 1000 Dram      
Metal: Silver .925
Weight: 33,6 g
Diameter: 40 mm
Quality: Proof
Mintage: 500 pcs



Categories: News, New Releases, Numismatics.

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