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The coin 115 years since the birth of Irina Constantziu-Vlassopo

The coin 115 years since the birth of Irina Constantziu-Vlassopo

The coin 115 years since the birth of Irina Constantziu-Vlassopo

The National Bank of Romania, June 8, 2015 will issue a commemorative silver coin dedicated to the 115th anniversary of the birth of the first naval officer - a woman Irina Constanta-Vlassopol.
Obverse: the image of “Inginer N. Vlassopol” cargo boat on which Irina Constantziu-Vlassopol sailed and a partial representation of the world map; the inscription “ROMANIA”, the coat of arms of Romania, the year of issue “2015”, and the face value “10 LEI”.
Reverse: the portrait of Irina Constantziu-Vlassopol and the inscription “IRINA CONSTANTZIU-VLASSOPOL – 115 ANI DE LA NASTERE” in an arc.

Silver Coin: Face Value: 10 lei; Type of Metal: Silver 999/1000; Weight: 31.103 grams; Dimension: Diameter 37 mm; Edge: milled; Quality: proof; Issue volume: 250.



Categories: News, New Releases, Numismatics.

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