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Coins Catalog — Bavaria, 1 gulden, 1848–1864


Bavaria, 1 gulden

0.9000 Silver, 10.6 g.


Obv: Head of Maximilian I right.

Year Marks Mintage Quality Price
1848 UNC
1849 366,000 UNC
1850 343,000 UNC
Изображения тиража 1851 224,000 UNC ~ $25.99
1852 453,000 UNC
1853 257,000 UNC
1854 513,000 UNC
1855 1,076,000 UNC
1856 455,000 UNC
1857 32,000 UNC
1858 144,000 UNC
1859 529,000 UNC
1860 452,000 UNC
1861 358,000 UNC
1862 266,000 UNC
1863 234,000 UNC
1864 414,000 UNC
Bavaria, 1 gulden, 1848–1864 View details Rotate image
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