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Coins Catalog — Mexico, 8 reales, 1831–1895


Mexico, 8 reales

0.9030 Silver, 38.9 mm., 27.07 g.


Year Marks Mintage Quality Price
1831 Ca MR UNC
1832 Ca MR UNC
1833 Ca MR UNC
1834 Ca AM UNC
1834 Ca MR UNC
1835 Ca AM UNC
1836 Ca AM UNC
1837 Ca AM UNC
1838 Ca AM UNC
1839 Ca RG UNC
1840 Ca RG (1 точка после даты) UNC
1840 Ca RG (3 точка после даты) UNC
1841 Ca RG UNC
1842 Ca RG UNC
1843 Ca RG UNC
1844 Ca RG UNC
1845 Ca RG UNC
1846 Ca RG UNC
1847 Ca RG UNC
1848 Ca RG UNC
1849 Ca RG UNC
1850 Ca RG UNC
1851 Ca RG UNC
1852 Ca RG UNC
1853 Ca RG UNC
1854 Ca RG UNC
1855 Ca RG UNC
1856 Ca RG UNC
1857 Ca JC UNC
1857 Са JC/RG UNC
1858 Ca BA UNC
1858 Ca JC UNC
1859 Ca JC UNC
1860 Ca JC UNC
1861 Ca JC UNC
1862 Ca JC UNC
1863 Ca JC UNC
1864 Ca JC UNC
1865 Ca FP UNC
1865 Ca JC UNC
1866 Ca FP UNC
1866 Ca JC UNC
1866 Ca JG UNC
1867 Ca JG UNC
1868 Ca JG UNC
1868 Ca MM UNC
1869 Ca MM UNC
1870 Ca MM UNC
1871 Ca MM UNC
1872 Ca MM UNC
1873 Ca MM UNC
1874 Ca MM UNC
1875 Ca MM UNC
1876 Ca MM UNC
1877 Ca AV UNC
1877 Ca EA 472,000 UNC
1877 Ca GR UNC
1877 Ca JM UNC
1878 Ca AV 439,000 UNC
1879 Ca AV UNC
1880 Ca AV UNC
1880 Ca MG UNC
1880 Ca MM UNC
1880 Ca PM UNC
1881 Ca MG 1,085,000 UNC
1882 Ca MG 779,000 UNC
1882 Ca MM UNC
1883 Ca MM 818,000 UNC
1884 Ca MM UNC
1885 Ca MM 1,345,000 UNC
1886 Ca MM 2,483,000 UNC
Изображения тиража 1887 Ca MM 2,625,000 UNC ~ $69.19
1888 Ca MM UNC
1889 Ca MM 2,681,000 UNC
1890 Ca MM 2,137,000 UNC
1891 Ca MM 2,268,000 UNC
1892 Ca MM 2,527,000 UNC
1893 Ca MM 2,632,000 UNC
1894 Ca MM 2,642,000 UNC
1895 Ca MM 1,112,000 UNC
Mexico, 8 reales, 1831–1895 View details Rotate image
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