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Coins Catalog — Iran, 1/4 qiran, 1913–1924


Iran, 1/4 qiran

0.9000 Silver, 1.1513 g.


Obverse: Legend within circle and wreath. Reverse: Radiant lion holding sword within crowned wreath.

Year Marks Mintage Quality Price
1913 ۱۳۳۲ (1332) 252,000 UNC
1914 ۱۳۳۳ (1333) 252,000 UNC
1915 ۱۳۳۴ (1334) 70,000 UNC
1916 ۱۳۳۵ (1335) 260,000 UNC
1917 ۱۳۳۶ (1336) 160,000 UNC
1918 ۱۳۳۷ (1337) 80,000 UNC
1919 ۱۳۳۹ 1339() 28,000 UNC
1922 ۱۳۴۱ (1341) 22,000 UNC
1923 ۱۳۴۲ (1342) 110,000 UNC
Изображения тиража 1924 ۱۳۴۳ (1343) 186,000 UNC ~ $19.22
Iran, 1/4 qiran, 1913–1924 View details Rotate image
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