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Coins Catalog — Bavaria, 1 thaler, 1807–1822


Bavaria, 1 thaler

0.8330 Silver, 28 g.


Description Obverse: Uniformed bust right. Description Reverse: Crowned arms with supporters. Legend Obverse: MAXIMILIAN IOSEPH KONIG VON BAIERN. Legend Reverse: FUR GOTT UND VATERLAND. Notes: Prev. KM#355.

Year Marks Mintage Quality Price
1807 UNC
Изображения тиража 1808 55,000 UNC ~ $196.06
1809 8,932 UNC
1810 6,721 UNC
1811 11,000 UNC
1812 8,432 UNC
1813 5,888 UNC
1814 4,579 UNC
1815 6,913 UNC
1816 11,000 UNC
1817 4,638 UNC
1818 UNC
1819 UNC
1820 3,974 UNC
1821 3,826 UNC
1822 UNC
Bavaria, 1 thaler, 1807–1822 View details Rotate image
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