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Coins Catalog — South Korea, 5 won, 1983–2007


South Korea, 5 won

Brass, 20.4 mm., 2.95 g.


Obv: Iron-clad turtle boat. Rev: Value and date.

Year Marks Mintage Quality Price
Изображения тиража Динамика цен на монеты 1983 6,000,000 UNC ~ $0.51–$1.03
1987 1,000,000 UNC
1988 500,000 UNC
Изображения тиража 1989 600,000 UNC ~ $0.90
1990 600,000 UNC
1991 500,000 UNC
1995 15,000 UNC
1996 15,000 UNC
1997 15,000 UNC
1999 10,000 UNC
2000 30,000 UNC
2001 130,000 UNC
2002 120,000 UNC
2003 20,000 UNC
2004 25,500 UNC
2005 38,000 UNC
2006 53,000 UNC
2007 53,000 UNC
South Korea, 5 won, 1983–2007 View details Rotate image
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Кроме 1983года.

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