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Coins Catalog — Egypt, 2 milliemes, 1916–1917


Egypt, 2 milliemes



Obv: Center hole divides date. Rev: Center hole divides denomination, date below. Note: Accession date: AH1333.

Year Marks Mintage Quality Price
Изображения тиража Динамика цен на монеты 1916 H 300,000 UNC ~ $2.18–$3.59
Изображения тиража Динамика цен на монеты 1917 3,006,000 UNC ~ $1.03–$3.20
Изображения тиража Динамика цен на монеты 1917 H 9,000,000 UNC ~ $1.03–$3.59
Egypt, 2 milliemes, 1916–1917 View details Rotate image
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Interesting catalog! It's fascinating how these coins tell stories of their time, much like how the rice purity test reveals a bit about our own journeys. Each has its own value and history!

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